2013-10-21 Nature Edmonton: A look at native plant species in the Edmonton River Valley

Post date: Oct 21, 2013 4:59:14 PM

I want to share this exciting site I have stumbled across while cleaning up this site and adding pictures to all of our plant pages... natureedmonton.com!

The site is an Edmonton based naturalist site. It looks as though one or more people have been searching through the Edmonton river valley for native plant species. They also have a gret collection of pictures!

There are a few reasons I find this interesting. Many of the plant species are the same as those found in our gardens, so what a great way to see them growing naturally and being enjoyed by others in our city! The other reason is the species not found in our gardens. There are so many orchids and other plants that I have never seen in Edmonton, nor did I even know they could grow here (they look rather tropical... like the one found here, which was located in the Callingwood neighborhood).

The site also offers photos and information on local fungi, wildlife, and birds!