2013-06-07 East versus West

Post date: Jun 07, 2013 11:8:4 PM

It is becoming very apparent that the west balcony is more ideal for the survival of the plants. The east balcony has a roof overhang that was preventing water from reaching the garden. I worked hard last week to add some soil and manure and gave the soil A LOT of water. I also turned the soil a lot to get some of the moist soil deeper. It is starting to look like my efforts was a success!! It looks like there is somse sage starting to pop up as well as the onion that I planted last week is starting to take. There are some other patches of growth appearing that I have yet to identify but I will keep you all posted!

East Balcony:

On the other hand, the west balcony is thriving. The sage and yarrow has over run the garden so it is difficult to find much else growing yet. We may have to cut some of it back to give the others a chance. But it sure looks like we will have a lot of sage on our hands this year!

East Balcony: