
Miss Parrant

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Week 6 - Recount Writing

Walt: write a recount about a personal experience.

Walt: organise our ideas into a series of paragraphs.


Last week the Year 6's went to camp and the Year 5's would have lots of fun at school and going on a trip. This week we will be writing a recount about either the Year 6 camp or the Year 5 week at school.

If you are a Year 6 that went to camp you will be completing a recount about camp and all of the fun activities that you completed over the 4 days.

If you are a year 5 or a year 6 that didn't go to camp you will be writing about your experiences at school last week. You can write about your trip or some of the other exciting things you did at school last week.

Make sure you complete your planning before you start your recount and also post your finished work on your blog.

Year 6 Camp Writing Template

Images from Year 6 Camp

Week 6 at school Writing Template

What happens next? - Narrative Writing

Walt: write a detailed narrative from a sentence starter

Walt: use descriptive words to make a narrative more exciting


This week we will be creating a narrative piece of writing. You will be given a sentence starter and then will need to plan what your narrative will look like and some descriptive words that you can use to make your story more exciting.

Your sentence starter is: I walked into the dark, gloomy, damp cave. Everything was silent apart from the slow drip of water above my head. Suddenly the silence was shattered by a loud shriek! What was that?

You will watch the video with your teacher to see what can be found in caves and will come up with some descriptive words that will make your story more exciting.

The Cave Writing Template

Image of a Cave

Word Bank

Recount Writing - You choose

Walt: write a recount about a personal experience.

Walt: organise our ideas into a series of paragraphs.


This week you will be choosing to create a recount about athletics day or the Manaiakalani film festival. You will need to make sure that with which ever one you choose to write about that you are writing in past tense and following the format that he have been using for recount writing.

Once you have finished your piece of writing make sure that you check it with a partner and get them to read through it and tell you what you could change and why. Once you have done that place it on your blog.

Film Festival Writing template


Athletics Day Writing template

Making pan pipes - Recount Writing

Walt: write a recount about a personal experience.

Walt: organise our ideas into a series of paragraphs.


This week we have been lucky enough to have Mrs Buchanan share her fun ad amazing lesson on making pan pipes. This will not only give us a fun activity to do during class but it will also give us an opportunity to make some music in a different way. Lets see how we can create music with this awesome activity.

You will need to watch the video with your teacher and then you will have a chance to make one yourself. We will go through how to make this as a class and see what we can all come up with. Once we have created our pan pipes and had a play we will create a recount piece of writing.

Make sure when you are completing the activity you are thinking about all of the steps you are taking so that you can use this in your writing.

Writing template

Images from our activity

Word Bank

Musical Madness - Recount Writing

Walt: structure and write a recount

Walt: use interesting and specific vocabulary


Welcome to Term 4! This term we are going to be looking at Music, by the end of the term we will have all had a chance to make instruments and create some music. What do we think this will look like in team 4?

Today we will be creating a recount of the immersion assembly, what was your favourite part? Remember when you are creating a recount you want to hook your reader and write in past tense!

Make sure to proof read your work before you post on your blog, check you work with a buddy they can help you make changes if you need to. Blog Log

Writing Template

Work Bank
