
Miss Scanlan

Click the title in the table to take you to that specific lesson

Invent your own robot!

Walt: Search for the definitions of new vocabulary

Walt: Design our own robot in reflection of the pros and cons of the robot in 'Zapped'


'Zapped' is a story all about a robot... a robot that causes a lot of trouble!

    1. Read the story 'Zapped' and then answer the comprehension questions in the red box.

    2. Complete the robot activity in the yellow box!

    3. Post your activities on your blog

    4. Comment on 5 blogs



Let's get inventing!

Walt: Discuss the pros and cons of products

Walt: Modify/develop a product to meet a new need


This week you get to be creative and invent something new!

We're going to look at a range of different products and think about the good and bad things about them (the pros and cons).

You will choose one product that you think needs to be modified.

Make a plan and then draw your new creatio

Sailing technology

Walt: Compare and contrast sailing technology (from the Waka to today's technology)

Walt: Understand how life jacket technology has changed over time


This week we are learning about how sailing technology has changed over time.

Read the top three stories and think about these questions..

    • How are they different to the Waka?

    • What types of technology have been added to these boats to make them better?

    • How have life jackets developed (changed) over time?







Maori Communication - Pepeha

Walt: Understand Pepeha and write our own one

Walt: Understand how communication technology changed over time


Before we had the modern technology of txting, calling and emailing, people used to communicate more by word of mouth! This week we are learning about an important way that Maori communicate, and that is, by sharing their Pepeha.

A Pepeha (or Mihi) is a way of introducing yourself. It tells people who you are and where you come from. We will be reading other peoples' Pepeha and we will create our own.

Click to read

Click to read

Activity for Toku Pepeha

My Year 5/6 Mihi

My Mihi

Communication - how has it changed?

Walt: Understand how communication technology changed over time

Walt: Explain the definition of technology


Kia ora! Welcome to term 2. This term we are learning about how technology has changed over time. In the first 3 weeks, we are learning about communication. Communication involves technology like phones, mail, email, books and videos!

Let's see how your great grandparents communicated!

Fast Post?

Pigeon Mail

1946 Mailman - 71 years ago

Fast Post Activity

Pigeon Mail Activity

Click on the story above for activity

Pigeon Mail