
Miss Parrant

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To infinity and beyond

Walt: to be able to summaries a story in my own words

Walt: to be able to explain what I have learnt this term


This term we have been learning about space and what a solar system is. We were even lucky enough to go the Stardome on a school trip. This week we will be looking at all the things that you learnt. We will be reading about the solar system and looking at some of our favourite planets.

Checklist before putting on your blog

1. Have you proof read it?

2. Have you got an exciting title?

3. Have you given the post labels?

4. Have you written a task description?

5. Once you have finished and published to your blog, go and check out some of your classmates blogs and leave a positive comment!

Fast Finishers: Go onto the Kiwi Kids News website and pick an article to read and then answer the questions with that article.

Read "Planets for Kids"

Read "Misson Mars One"

Read "First Light: The History of Telescopes"

Questions about Planets

What have I learnt?

The History of Telescopes

Week 7 - Practicing my reading

Walt: to be able to explain what happened in the story

Walt: to be able to put sentences in the correct order


    1. Read each of the books with your teacher and then complete the activity linked with the reading.

    2. Complete your word game (Minimum 20 minutes per day)

    3. Complete your sentence practice and post this to your blog

    4. Space activity - this is linked to our inquiry "Guardians of the Galaxy"

No, Skipper!

Let's See, Ling Lee

The Gardner and the Scarecrow

Reading Eggs

Create an image of an astronaut

Write about your astronaut

What is it about Mars?

Walt: to be able to explain what happened in the story

Walt: to be able to put sentences in the correct order


This week we will be looking at the planet Mars and what it would be like on this planet. What do we know about Mars? Is it similar to that on Earth? We will begin to look at what Mars as a planet is and what it has to offer which will lead into the possibilities of moving to Mars one day.

Complete reading eggs for 20 minutes each day!

Checklist before putting on your blog

1. Have you proof read it?

2. Have you got an exciting title?

3. Have you given the post labels?

4. Have you written a task description?

5. Once you have finished and published to your blog, go and check out some of your classmates blogs and leave a positive comment!

Reading Eggs

Mars Facts Ativity

Read Freezing

Week 3 - Practicing my reading

Walt: to be able to explain what happened in the story

Walt: to be able to put sentences in the correct order


    1. Read each of the books with your teacher and then complete the activity linked with the reading.

    2. Complete your word game (Minimum 20 minutes per day)

    3. Complete your sentence practice and post this to your blog

    4. Space activity - this is linked to our inquiry "Guardians of the Galaxy"

This Hissing Bush


Read Phases of the Moon

Follow up Task

Follow up Task

Space Activity

Week 2 - Practicing my reading

Walt: to be able to explain what happened in the story

Walt: to be able to put sentences in the correct order


    1. Read each of the books with your teacher and then complete the activity linked with the reading.

    2. Complete your word game (Minimum 20 minutes per day)

    3. Complete your sentence practice and post this to your blog

    4. Space activity - this is linked to our inquiry "Guardians of the Galaxy"

The Night the House Shook

Down by the Sea

No, Skipper!

Word Game

Space Activity

Week 1 - Practicing my reading

Walt: to understand what I am reading

Walt: to be able to explain what happened in the story

Walt: to be able to put sentences in the correct order


    1. Read each of the books with your teacher and then complete the activity linked with the reading.

    2. Complete your word game (Minimum 20 minutes per day)

    3. Complete your sentence practice and post this to your blog

    4. Space activity - this is linked to our inquiry "Guardians of the Galaxy"

Jane's Car

Down by the Sea

Eggs and Dandelions

Word Game

Planets Activity