
Mr Goodwin

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Bagpipes - what are they?

Walt: to practice comprehension skills

Key Ideas to find out and understand:

    • What are bagpipes?

    • How do bag pipes make sound?


1. Read the instructions carefully

2. Follow the instructions given for each task.

3. You will be working for the most part independently, but will have the opportunity to come together to discuss later, where you may be able to revisit your answers.

Kids Encylopedia

City Lab - Bag Pipes

Bagpipes - Poster

Compare and Contrast

What is a Family Crest

Use your design skills

Create a crest

Compare the City Lab and Trumpet player

Practice - Figuring out the answer

Walt: to practice comprehension skills

Key Ideas to find out and understand:

  • How do multi choice questions work?

  • Why reading the whole question is important.


1. Read the instructions carefully

2. Follow the instructions given for each task.

3. You will be working for the most part independently, but will have the opportunity to come together to discuss later, where you may be able to revisit your answers.

The Trumpet taken prisoner

Read the text fully first. Once you have read the whole text, go back and try to answer the questions. Some questions you will need to choose from the multi choice answers, others you will need to write an answer yourself.

Trumpet advice

Watch the video and read the text called "How brass instruments work", you will need to have done both before attempting the advice blog.

Journal Article - The Trumpet

Journal Article - Trumpet taken prisoner

Online Article - How Brass instruments work

Practice - Skills

Walt: to practice comprehension skills

Key Ideas to find out and understand:

  • How do multi choice questions work?

  • Why reading the whole question is important.


1. Read the instructions carefully

2. Follow the instructions given for each task.

3. You will be working for the most part independently, but will have the opportunity to come together to discuss later, where you may be able to revisit your answers.

Zoo Babies

With all the cool creating we do, we hardly ever do worksheet style work like this. Sometimes its good to practice this style of questions though.

Open the doc and make a copy.

You will be primarily working on this doc on your own.

You will need to read the text first, and then re-read the text as you try to find evidence for the statements.

You will be discussing the answers with your group during your group time with the teacher.

Parts of a book

What is a book? With the amount of reading and research we now do on our chromebooks, it's important to stop and make sure we still know all the parts of a book.

Open the doc and make a copy.

You can work on this doc with a partner, however you must complete your own doc.

Interpreting Poems

Poems are like riddles, sometimes you have to really think to understand them.

Open the doc and make a copy.

You can work on this doc with a partner, however you must complete your own doc.

Zoo Babies

Parts of a book

Interpreting poems