Weebly Websites

Final Project:

Make a website to showcase your work.


  1. Click here to go to Weebly.com.
  2. Sign up using your SCHOOL EMAIL AND PASSWORD for computers - don't use your full name - just first name and last name initial: Lotte P
  3. Choose SITE to get started.
  4. Choose a THEME - you can also choose different colors within the theme.
  5. Choose to use a subdomain of weebly.com for your website name.
  6. Choose "Build My Site":

Pages: You will need three pages: HOME, ABOUT THE ARTIST, ARTWORK --

  • Home page - describe what the website is for.
  • About the Artist - Write a bit about yourself and this class
  • Artwork - insert JPEG images of your artwork from this semester. Write a short description of what you did and how.
      • Artwork must be saved as JPEG files in order to use them in your website.
          1. File
          2. Save as
          3. Change the file type to JPEG
          4. Name it with your first initial and the art project, for ex. Lotte Self-Portrait
          5. Choose the first one .JPG
          6. Click ok for all windows that pop up

Use only your FIRST NAME on your website!!

Working with Weebly:

  • Change Page Names - click on Pages at top. Choose a page and rename it - don't forget to click SAVE AND EDIT.
  • Change LAYOUT of a page - Click on Pages at the top. Choose a Layout and click SAVE AND EDIT.
  • Change Theme or Fonts - Click on Design at the top. You can change colors of a theme, change your theme, or change the fonts.
  • Click on BUILD to add things - images or type. You have to drag from the menu at the right.