Adobe Photoshop Intro

  1. Use the links below to review information about Adobe Photoshop and then quiz yourself on Quizlet.
Adobe Photoshop Intro

Then, put your knowledge to INDEPENDENT USE:

  1. Open Adobe Photoshop
  2. Open your photo or use a sample picture
  3. Make a new workspace: 8" x 10" and 300 dpi
  4. Use the MARQUEE tool to cut out a circle on your picture (select it and then use LAYER VIA COPY)
  5. Make sure that you are on the background layer in the picture
  6. Use the POLYGONAL LASSO tool to cut out a star (select it and then use LAYER VIA COPY)
  7. Use the LASSO tool to cut out a random shape (select it and then use LAYER VIA COPY)
  8. Move all three layers to the new workspace you made
  9. Use FREE TRANSFORM to make them three different sizes - small, medium and large
  10. Use the FREE TRANSFORM menu that you get when right-clicking to warp or change the shape on at least one
  11. Use the Color Balance to change the color on at least one shape
  12. SAVE it in the DIGITAL ART folder - call it INTRO PIC and your NAME

3. Take the quiz!