#3 Manual Shutter

The goal of this assignment is to understand how shutter speed affects the EXPOSURE of a photo.

Step 1 - Open Google Classroom. Once you have completed the assignment, you will upload the photos and add them to the Google Doc provided in Google Classroom.

1. Set the camera on M for manual.

2. Set camera iso to 800:

    • Press the top of the back selector dial where it says iso,
    • Turn the dial to 800
    • Press center button.

3. Set the aperture for f4 if indoors. Use the +/- button on the back of the camera to switch from shutter to aperture.

The Aperture must stay at f4 for all pictures.

4. The green arrows on the viewer screen will indicate what is active and can be changed by rotating the selector dial.

    • Use the +/- selector button to switch to shutter speed.


Picture 1.

    1. Rotate the dial, which adjusts the shutter speed, until the picture looks under exposed
    2. Write down the shutter speed and take a picture.

Picture 2.

    1. Rotate the dial on the back until the image looks normally exposed.
    2. Write down the shutter speed and take a picture.

Picture 3.

    1. Rotate the dial on the back until the image looks over exposed
    2. Write down the shutter speed and take a picture.

Upload PHOTOGRAPHS, add them to Doc in Google Classroom:

    1. Plug the camera into the computer.
      1. Open Google Docs
      2. Open your Photo folder
      3. Make a folder and call it Manual Shutter
      4. Upload the photos into this folder

Open Google Classroom

    1. Open the assignment #3 Manual Shutter
    2. In the provided doc, insert the three pictures into the table
    3. In the section for each picture, answer:
      1. The shutter speed was for each picture
      2. If the picture is under, normal or over exposed.
      3. Explain how shutter speed affected the exposure of the pictures.
#3 Manual Shutter SAMPLE