NOTES - Helpful Hints for Shutter Priority


1. If your pictures are under exposed or dark this means there is not enough light at your current ISO to get a good exposure with the shutter speed you desire.

    • To compensate for this increase your ISO to a higher number. This increases the sensitivity of the sensor.
    • Press the selector dial on the back of the camera under where you see ISO.
    • Then, rotate the dial to a higher number which increases the sensitivity of the sensor letting you take pictures with less light. The picture quality may suffer a bit however.
    • You can also move your subject to a better lit location or add flash.

2. If your pictures are over exposed or bright, that means that there is too much light for your current shutter speed setting.

    • Try decreasing the iso number.
    • Press the selector dial on the back of the camera under where you see ISO.
    • Then, rotate the dial to a lower number which decreases the sensitivity of the sensor letting you take pictures with less light.
    • You could also move your subject out of the bright light to an area of less light.

3. For over or under exposures, you may also try the exposure compensation button +/- using the dial to adjust.

    • In this case the camera does not know what your subject is so you have to compensate the exposure manually.