Wild Weather

An artist often uses reference material when creating art, rather than just drawing from his or her head. You are here as an artist to learn more about how artists show Space and Perspective in Landscapes, and gather 4 images you can use as visual reference for your painting, which will depict something of the wild weather you witness. Your goal is to cmplete the Google Classroom assignment: visit the Birmingham Museum website, answer the questions in the handouts, collect at 4 images of high resolution.


1. Travel to the Birmingham Museum to review how an artist creates Space in a painting. Make sure you check out HORIZON LINE, AERIAL PERSPECTIVE, and LINEAR PERSPECTIVE.

2. Answer questions # 1-2 on the Wild Weather Handout while on these sites.

3. Using the links in the Wild Weather Resources below, find at least 4 photos to use as references for your landscape. There must be a horizon line, foreground, middle ground and background and a sky in your finished landscape. You can find photos with all three parts and use pieces of each, or find different pieces in different photos. Don’t forget to go to the Wild Weather Skies sites!

5. REMEMBER, you are not here to find a picture to COPY, but pictures to INSPIRE. Each photo you find must copied to the Google Doc you created. Once you have found your photos, use the chart on the Birmingham Museum Perspective Handout to answer #5, identifying the different types of perspective you see in the photos.

6. The last step - make sure it is TURNED IN in Google Classroom. I will print the photos out.