#4 Manual Aperture

Aperture is the size of the opening that allows light into the camera.

1. Set the camera on M for manual.

2. Set camera iso to 800:

    • Press the top of the back selector dial where it says iso,
    • Turn dial to 800
    • Press center button.

3. Set the for 1/50 if indoors.

Use the +/- button on back of camera to switch from shutter to aperture.

The shutter must stay at 1/50 for all pictures.

4. The green arrows on the viewer screen will indicate what is active and can be changed by rotating the selector dial.

    • Use the +/- selector button to switch to aperture f-stop.


Picture 1.

    1. Rotate the dial on the back until the image looks under exposed
    2. Write down the aperture f-stop and take a picture.

Picture 2.

    1. Rotate the dial, which adjusts the aperture f-stop, until the picture looks normally exposed
    2. Write down the aperture f-stop and take a picture.

Picture 3.

    1. Rotate the dial on the back until the image looks over exposed
    2. Write down the aperture f-stop and take a picture.
    3. Plug the camera into the computer.
    4. Open Google Docs
    5. Open the Photo folder
    6. Make a folder and call it Manual Aperture
    7. Upload the photos into this folder

Open Google Classroom

    1. Open the assignment #4 Manual Aperture
    2. In the provided doc, insert the three pictures into the table
    3. In the section for each picture, answer:
      1. The aperture f-stop was for each picture
      2. If the picture is under, normal or over exposed.
      3. Explain how aperture f-stop affected the exposure of the pictures.