Personal Identity Sculpture

An artist uses reference material when creating art, rather than just drawing from his or her head. You are here as an artist to gather as many images you can to use as visual reference for your sculpture, which will depict your personal identity: past, present and future. Using your brainstorming sheet, you will be searching for images to use as visual reference.

Your goal is to collect 10-15 images of high resolution, and put them into a Word document to print out for use in the Art Room.

  1. Use the Brainstorm sheet! On it you should have listed as much as you can about yourself using the prompts.
  2. Use the internet sites below as a start for your image search. Given that we are a diverse group of people, everyone’s interests may not be found in these sites. In that case, use a search engine like Google to find your images.
  3. Don’t be satisfied with only one image! Find different photos or pictures with different angles or sizes! The images should be as high resolution as possible.
  4. You may change your mind about things once you get drawing, so you are trying to get as much as possible so you have CHOICES as an artist! Remember you have a lot of sculpture to paint.
    1. Internet Sites:
    2. There are many different sites by topic here.
    3. A great alternative is Stock Photos from Getty Images This site has an excellent search engine for high quality images of almost anything!
    4. Country / Culture:
    5. Flags of the World Index
    6. Countries and everything about them!
    7. Cyberschoolbus: From the United Nations - Many aspects of many countries
    8. Kidspace from the Internet Public Library on different cultures & countries
    9. Say it in your language! Translator to some languages
    10. Current Events:
    11. Voices of Youth on Current Events
    12. Time For Kids - News from Time Magazine
    13. Sports
    14. Skateboarding
    15. Snowboarding
    17. Major League Lacrosse
    19. Baseball Almanac – Lots of info, not many images
    21. Sporting News
    22. Sports Illustrated
    23. Dance
    24. Voice of Dance
    25. Alvin Ailey Website
    26. Music – You are on your own!
    27. Art
    28. Find an Artist on
    29. Graffiti Images
    30. Create your own Graffiti
    31. Movies
    32. Got a favorite movie? Find it on
    33. Can’t find what you want? Use to search by writing in what you are looking for and clicking on Images. Choose LARGE inmages so they will only show hi-resolution images