3 - Directions

  1. Find your photos - at least 2 different animals, a background
  2. Make a new workspace: 8" x 10" and 300 DPI
  3. Open the animal that you want to use for the BODY. Cut the BODY out of the existing background very carefully using the appropriate tool.
  4. Open the image of the animal you want to use for the HEAD. Cut the head off the animal using the appropriate tool:
  5. Follow the outline carefully EXCEPT where it will meet the body. There you want to leave about 1/4 of inch extra!
  6. If it is furry, feather it 3 pixels when you cut it off the body
  7. Move the body into the new workspace
  8. Move the head into the new workspace
  9. Cut the neck where it will meet the body and feather it at least 20 pixels
  10. Use FREE TRANSFORM to adjust size
  11. Right Click in FREE TRANSFORM and use warp to make it meet exactly
  12. Add a background, shadows, wings, tails, etc.