7 - Google Presentation Guide

  1. Click on the RED button that says CREATE and choose presentation.
  2. A window opens for you to choose a THEME. Think about your artist - what makes sense with their life or art? Don't make it too busy and hard on the eyes!
  3. Or, use a TEMPLATE from Google online.
  4. If you change the font - make sure it is easy to read!
  5. Animations are ok to use - but remember, LESS is MORE! Too much becomes a distraction. Have enough to EMPHASIZE important information, but not so much that it becomes about the animation and not the artist.
  6. Make sure you follow the assignment sheet for slide order and information.
  7. You may need MORE slides than the outline indicates - you can always add more - but don't take any out!

See the sample presentation below:

Sample Art Research Presentation