Colour and Printing

This module consists of two blocks: the first investigating the skill of relief and screen printing through exploring the work of William Morris and Bridget Riley; the second understanding how photography and collage can help us to capture and interpret the world around us, by studying the photo collages of Sara Eisenlohr and David Hockney (Block 3) 


Term 3: Colour and Printing (1)

William Morris

Researching William Morris, his background, influences, inspiration, techniques and designs. Investigate Morris' use of colour, revisiting our knowledge of complentary and contrasting colours. 

Find repeating patterns in nature and make pencil drawings of a natural form, making definite lines. 

Create a template for a repeating pattern, incorporating elements of a William Morris design. 

Making colour choices that acknowledge the influences of William Morris' designs, but incorporate natural, complementary colours.

Transferring a simple design on to a styrofoam block. 

Layering colour to create a print, with a repeating pattern. 

Evaluating work to identify improvements

Term 4: Colour and Printing (2)

Bridget Riley

Researching Bridget Riley: from her journey from black and white to colour; from selection of colour and shape to create art-work. 

Identifying contrasting colours and complementary colours in Riley's works, creating a line picture study using contrasting colours, inspired by ‘Late Morning’, Bridget Riley, 1967–8 | Tate.

Creating a silkscreen print and template, inspired by shapes from Riley's work. 

Selecting contrasting colours and layer these, using acrylic paint and the silkscreen print. 

Evaluating work to identify improvements. 


Study Dali and the surrealism movement.

Focus on 'The persistence of memory' melting clock creation by Dali.

Create a drawn design of a clock in the 'melting style'

Create a 3D clay clock and paint it in a Dali style.


Complementary colours

Contrasting colours






Focal point

Complementary colours

Contrasting colours






Focal point

Skills Progression

General Progression in Idea Development:

General Progression in Evaluation:

Progression in Specific Techniques:




3D form:


Technology– Photography/IT