Y2 PSHE - B2

Keeping Safe - Term 3

Unit Themes

  • Safe and unsafe secrets

  • Appropriate Touch

  • Medicine Safety

Progressive content

Children will learn

Harold's Picnic

  • Understand that medicines can sometimes make people feel better when they’re ill;

  • Give examples of some of the things that a person can do to feel better without use of medicines, if they are unwell;

  • Explain simple issues of safety and responsibility about medicines and their use.

How safe would you feel?

  • Identify situations in which they would feel safe or unsafe;

  • Suggest actions for dealing with unsafe situations including who they could ask for help.

What should Harold say?

  • Identify situations in which they would need to say 'Yes', 'No', 'I'll ask', or 'I'll tell', in relation to keeping themselves and others safe.

I don't like that

  • Recognise that body language and facial expression can give clues as to how comfortable and safe someone feels in a situation;

  • Identify the types of touch they like and do not like;

  • Identify who they can talk to if someone touches them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Fun or not?

  • Recognise that some touches are not fun and can hurt or be upsetting;

  • Know that they can ask someone to stop touching them;

  • Identify who they can talk to if someone touches them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Should I tell?

  • Identify safe secrets (including surprises) and unsafe secrets;

  • Recognise the importance of telling someone they trust about a secret which makes them feel unsafe or uncomfortable.

Rights & Respect - Term 4

Progressive content

Children will learn

Getting on with others

  • Describe and record strategies for getting on with others in the classroom.

When I feel like erupting

  • Explain, and be able to use, strategies for dealing with impulsive behaviour.

Feeling Safe

  • Identify special people in the school and community who can help to keep them safe;

  • Know how to ask for help.

Harold saves for something special

  • Understand that people have choices about what they do with their money;

  • Know that money can be saved for a use at a future time;

  • Explain how they might feel when they spend money on different things.

How can we look after our environment?

  • Identify what they like about the school environment;

  • Identify any problems with the school environment (e.g. things needing repair);

  • Make suggestions for improving the school environment;

  • Recognise that they all have a responsibility for helping to look after the school environment.