Y2 PSHE - Block 1

Me and My Relationships - Term 1

Unit Themes

  • Bullying & teasing

  • Our School rules about bullying

  • Being a good friends

  • Feelings/self regulation

Progressive content

Children will learn

Our ideal classroom

  • Suggest actions that will contribute positively to the life of the classroom;

  • Make and undertake pledges based on those actions.

  • The conventions of courtesy & manners

How are you feeling today

  • Use a range of words to describe feelings;

  • Recognise that people have different ways of expressing their feelings;

  • Identify helpful ways of responding to other's feelings.

Bullying or Teasing?

  • Define what is meant by the terms 'bullying' and 'teasing' showing an understanding of the difference between the two;

  • Identify situations as to whether they are incidents of teasing or bullying.

Don't do that

  • Understand and describe strategies for dealing with bullying:

  • Rehearse and demonstrate some of these strategies.

Types of bullying

  • Explain the difference between bullying and isolated unkind behaviour;

  • Recognise that that there are different types of bullying and unkind behaviour;

  • Understand that bullying and unkind behaviour are both unacceptable ways of behaving.

Being a good friend

  • Recognise that friendship is a special kind of relationship;

  • Identify some of the ways that good friends care for each other.

Let's all be happy

  • Recognise, name and understand how to deal with feelings (e.g. anger, loneliness);

  • Explain where someone could get help if they were being upset by someone else’s behaviour.

Valuing Difference - Term 2

Unit Themes

  • Being kind & helping others

  • Listening Skills

Progressive content

Children will learn

What makes us who we are?

  • Identify some of the physical and non-physical differences and similarities between people;

  • Know and use words and phrases that show respect for other people.

How do we make others feel?

  • Recognise and explain how a person's behaviour can affect other people.

When someone is feeling left out

  • Explain how it feels to be part of a group;

  • Explain how it feels to be left out from a group;

  • Identify groups they are part of;

  • Suggest and use strategies for helping someone who is feeling left out.

An act of kindness

  • Recognise and describe acts of kindness and unkindness;

  • Explain how these impact on other people's feelings;

  • Suggest kind words and actions they can show to others;

  • Show acts of kindness to others in school.

Solve the problem

  • Demonstrate active listening techniques (making eye contact, nodding head, making positive noises, not being distracted);

  • Suggest strategies for dealing with a range of common situations requiring negotiation skills to help foster and maintain positive relationships.

My special people

  • Identify people who are special to them;

  • Explain some of the ways those people are special to them.