Y3 PSHE - B3

Being My Best - Term 5

Unit Themes

  • Managing risk

  • Decision-making skills

  • Drugs and their risks

  • Staying safe online

Progressive content

Children will learn

Safe or unsafe?

  • Identify situations which are safe or unsafe;

  • Identify people who can help if a situation is unsafe;

  • Suggest strategies for keeping safe.

Danger or risk?

  • Define the words danger and risk and explain the difference between the two;

  • Demonstrate strategies for dealing with a risky situation.

The risk robot

  • Identify risk factors in given situations;

  • Suggest ways of reducing or managing those risks.

None of your business

  • Know that our body can often give us a sign when something doesn't feel right; to trust these signs and talk to a trusted adult if this happens;

  • Recognise and describe appropriate behaviour online as well as offline;

  • Identify what constitutes personal information and when it is not appropriate or safe to share this;

  • Understand and explain how to get help in a situation where requests for images or information of themselves or others occurs.

Super searcher

  • Evaluate the validity of statements relating to online safety;

  • Recognise potential risks associated with browsing online;

  • Give examples of strategies for safe browsing online.

Help or harm?

  • Understand that medicines are drugs and suggest ways that they can be helpful or harmful.

Alcohol & cigarettes; the facts

  • Identify some key risks from and effects of cigarettes and alcohol;

  • Know that most people choose not to smoke cigarettes; (Social Norms message)

  • Define the word 'drug' and understand that nicotine and alcohol are both drugs.

Growing & Changing - Term 6

Unit Themes

  • Skills we need to develop as we grow up

  • Helping and being helped

  • Looking after the environment

  • Managing money

Progressive content

Children will learn

Helping each other to stay safe

  • Identify key people who are responsible for them to stay safe and healthy;

  • Suggest ways they can help these people.

Recount task

  • Understand the difference between 'fact' and 'opinion';

  • Understand how an event can be perceived from different viewpoints;

  • Plan, draft and publish a recount using the appropriate language.

Our helpful volunteers

  • Define what a volunteer is;

  • Identify people who are volunteers in the school community;

  • Recognise some of the reasons why people volunteer, including mental health and wellbeing benefits to those who volunteer.

Can Harold afford it?

  • Understand the terms 'income', 'saving' and 'spending';

  • Recognise that there are times we can buy items we want and times when we need to save for items;

  • Suggest items and services around the home that need to be paid for (e.g. food, furniture, electricity etc.)

Earning money

  • Explain that people earn their income through their jobs;

  • Understand that the amount people get paid is due to a range of factors (skill, experience, training, responsibility etc.)

Harold's environment project

  • Define what is meant by the environment;

  • Evaluate and explain different methods of looking after the school environment;

  • Devise methods of promoting their priority method.