Design Technology

Freestanding Structures

Project title: Design, make and evaluate a model of a playground for your toy to enjoy.

Project on a Page

1_2 Freestanding structures.pdf

Research -  we will be visiting local parks to look at the different parts and how they are built. We will be commenting on what we like and what we do not like.

Designing - we will be using our research to generate ideas for our own design, drawing what we want it to look like and thinking about the materials we will use to make it.

Making - we will be using our design to make our structure by selecting the appropriate tools and materials to construct our structure and thinking about the overall finish on it.

Evaluating - we will be evaluating through discussion of how well the structure works in relation to the project aim.


cut, fold, join, fix

structure, wall, tower,

framework, weak, strong,

base, top, underneath,

side, edge, surface,

thinner, thicker, corner,

point, straight, curved

metal, wood, plastic

circle, triangle, square,

rectangle, cuboid, cube,


design, make, evaluate,

user, purpose, ideas,

design criteria, product,
