Living in the Wider World


Belonging to a community

The value of rules and laws; rights, freedoms and responsibilities

Children will learn

  • the reasons for rules and laws in wider society

  • the importance of abiding by the law and what might happen if rules and laws are broken

  • what human rights are and how they protect people

  • to identify basic examples of human rights including the rights of children

  • about how they have rights and also responsibilities

  • that with every right there is also a responsibility e.g. the right to an education and the responsibility to learn

Media literacy and Digital resilience

How the internet is used; assessing information online

  • how the internet can be used positively for leisure, for school and for work

  • to recognise that images and information online can be altered or adapted and the reasons for why this happens

  • strategies to recognise whether something they see online is true or accurate

  • to evaluate whether a game is suitable to play or a website is appropriate for their age-group

  • to make safe, reliable choices from search results

  • how to report something seen or experienced online that concerns them e.g. images

  • or content that worry them, unkind or inappropriate communication

Money and Work

Different jobs and skills; job stereotypes; setting personal goals

  • about jobs that people may have from different sectors e.g. teachers, business people, charity work

  • that people can have more than one job at once or over their lifetime

  • about common myths and gender stereotypes related to work

  • to challenge stereotypes through examples of role models in different fields of work e.g. women in STEM

  • about some of the skills needed to do a job, such as teamwork and decision-making

  • to recognise their interests, skills and achievements and how these might link to future jobs

  • how to set goals that they would like to achieve this year e.g. learn a new hobby