Shot Comp Analysis Assignment

Point Value: 50 points

Objective: to analyze shot composition in an authentic visual medium (movie or television).


  • Assignment name: shotcompanalysis
  • Make sure you put your name on top of the paper.
  • Put it in your VST folder by the due date.

1. Choose a movie or television show, preferably one that you have already seen. Practice discernment in your choice – it should be one that your parents deem appropriate for you to watch. Watch all of it—paying attention to the director’s style and shot composition.

2. Name the movie and draft short summary of the movie or show - main character’s quest, problem he/she faces and how it is solved. Include the director and the year it was released. If it is a television show, include who directed the episode and when it aired.

3. For three scenes, you will analyze and evaluate the shot composition. Elements to include for each short analysis:

For each scene:

  1. One or two sentences explaining the purpose/action of the scene.
  2. Describe fields of view, angles, and movement that the director used in the scene.
  3. Explain why you think the director structured the scene that way.
  4. Evaluate the scene: were the shots effective? Did the scene work well? What would you have done different? What was your overall impression of the scene?