Shot Comp Practice Sequence


1. Practice using a camera.

2. Practice shot composition.

3. Break down an action into at least 20 shots to create a scene.

4. Integrate and use different shot angles, shot movements, and fields of view to plan a simple sequence of video.


  • 3 movement shot comp including 360 Pan, Pedestal, Dolly, Vertigo or Crane.
  • Must have Pre production related documents posted on the class wall at the end of the project. Three elements are as followed. Pre-Production doc, Cue Sheet and Storyboard.
  • Incorporate use of lighting. use reflector or portable LED lighting.

Value: 60 points--see assessment below

- Must turn in Storyboard, Cue Sheet and Production Plan before "production."

Step One Pre-production: Concept Development

Write a Production Plan- shouldn't more than half page long

  • Each team member's name with their job description for this project.
  • Short description of your video: at least 3 sentences.
  • Where is your scene?
  • List out your equipment

Why create a storyboard?

With your partner, brainstorm a list of 10-15 shots that define an action or idea. Must be something realistic (in terms of action) and will have to take place in the school--Grand Hall, gyms, commons, classroom, front of school.


      • Student getting something from his/her locker and then walking to class.
      • Student studying and being bothered by another student.
      • Student coming into school and checking into front office.
      • Students eating lunch.

Step Two Pre-Production: Simple Storyboard

Plan out your shots using a storyboard. Each shot must include an angle, a movement (or lack of movement), field of view, and description of action as relating to the sequence.

Pixar ToyStory: Storyboard


Choose one from each column:

Storyboard, production plan and cue sheet will have to be turned in at the completion of the Pre-Production

Step Three Production: Shooting

Using your storyboard, shoot each of the shots. Be open to revision as you work. You do not have to shoot your shots in order.

Step Four Post-Production: Editing and Exporting

Individually, you will each edit the your footage. It is okay if they look a little different. This is a practice exercise.

1. Create your own project

2. Capture your footage

3. Edit your footage into the sequence you want

4. Export to your created folder and post to Video Storytelling Server.