Introduction & Standards: Culture Making

Learning Goal: Determine how culture is made and the role of humans in forming their cultures vision of the good life.

The goal of this unit is to develop a an understanding of how culture is made and the role of humans in forming cultures vision of the good life. We have talked at length about God's intent in creation and how sin has impacted that intent. Most commonly, we look at these four questions:

    1. What did God intend for man?
    2. What did God intend for creation?
    3. What did God intend for man with their neighbor?
    4. What did God intend for an understanding of self?

The goal of this unit is to take a look at how we can shape culture through our work. How will we add value to the world around us through the work of our heart, head, and hands this year?

Department Standards for this Unit


1. Love the Lord in the way He has gifted them to create, connect, and capture value.

2. Know God Created Them by reflecting His image through the work of creating, caring (maintaining), and commissioning (engaging others).

4. Value Learning, by engaging in real work that meets a real need for a real audience.

5. Find Joy in the process of developing the correctives for God’s intended creation.

6. Honor the Lord by engaging the world through restoring relationships with God, relationships with others, relationships with creation and knowledge of self

7. Cultivate their experience through the work Jesus sets before them.


3. [Communicating] Write and present clear and effective messaging with passion and purpose.


2. Faith and Work: Impacting the world for Jesus Christ requires flourishing in 4 relationships: God, Self, Neighbor, and Creation.

3. Impact: Organizations impact the world and people around them through exploitation or restoration. (Nothing is neutral.)

4. Image Bearer: The purpose of an image bearer in work is to create, care, and commission.


Culture Making - Response