Assessments & Materials

Assessments & Materials

Projects: At least 100 points per project

For each project, students will be assessed on the following four different skills areas:

  • Project management
  • Design
  • Technical
  • Research and Communication

Critical Analysis: 25-50 points per analysis

For every project, students will engage in both personal and corporate critical analysis (written and oral). The purpose of these analyses is to analyze and evaluate both professionally made and student made projects for story, integration of technical skills, and overall presentation.

Assignments: 10-25 points per assignment

Throughout the semester, we will discuss/explore/review various elements of film and culture and the role of Christians in today’s digital world. Students are expected to engage and thoughtfully contribute to class discussions. This may include several writing pieces.

Late Work Policy:

This class will run like a film studio. With all film studios, there are deadlines and timelines. ALL projects (or part there of) that are received after the deadline timeline are valued at a loss of 10% a day and after 5 days: 50% of the graded project.

Materials Needed for Class:

  1. A pair of headphones (for editing---these can be ear buds or whatever you have with your phone)
  2. SD Card: class 10, at least 80 mb/s fast
  3. We will use Google Docs for writing, planning and scripts. Storyboards will be separate--therefore, use a filing system that works best for you. My suggestion is to have place in your binder or a folder that is designated for Video Storytelling.
  4. Your creative genius and collaborative spirit.

Important Side Notes

  1. If a student partner is absent more than 5 days from a project, they must then complete their own project (in solo format).
  2. At least 50% of the film editing work must be completed on the assigned computer workstation in Lab 2. Home computers should only be used to support the work needed for completion of the project (not to complete it).
  3. Beware that PC film editing software often has different film rendering formats. These formats may not be compatible with Final Cut Pro. I do not recommend that you do film work on any other software.
  4. For all posted assignments, students will use the class google site:

Please be respectful of the following:

  1. Water only in a closed container on the floor – away from the computers.
  2. Rolling in the chairs is prohibited.
  3. Backpacks are to be secured under the table or in the front of the room. They are not to block the aisles.
  4. No games, no altering system preferences, Not allowed to download any apps,– No changing wall paper.
  5. Internet used for work purposes only.
  6. Please respect the equipment: