Introduction & Standards: Client Interviews and Marketing Proposals

Learning Goal: Determine how to write a marketing proposal that reflects the passions and purposes of the client.

The goal of this unit is to help prepare students to write client centered marketing proposals. Students will learn to develop empathy and understanding of their clients needs and wants to ensure their needs are met.

This is the most critical unit of marketing and arguably the most useful for any student, regardless of profession.

Department Standards for this Unit


2. Know God Created Them by reflecting His image through the work of creating, caring (maintaining), and commissioning (engaging others).

4. Value Learning, by engaging in real work that meets a real need for a real audience.

6. Honor the Lord by engaging the world through restoring relationships with God, relationships with others, relationships with creation and knowledge of self

7. Cultivate their experience through the work Jesus sets before them.


2. [Collaborating] Work effectively with individuals and teams.

3. [Communicating] Write and present clear and effective messaging with passion and purpose.

5. [Analyzing and Interpreting] Get to the heart of complex issues through analytical thinking and application.

7. [Adapting] Adapt and respond to change positively and cope with setbacks.


1. The components of create, connect, and capture.

a. [connect] people to embrace an organizations created value.

4. Impact: Organizations impact the world and people around them through exploitation or restoration. (Nothing is neutral.)



    • All client proposals will be worth (25 points). These will be performed throughout the year.