Introduction & Standards: Create Value

Learning Goal: Create a product that sustainably helps people thrive and flourish.

Students will work in groups as consultants for Pepsi in product development.

The task is to create and connect a product that seeks flourishing: God, Self, Others, and Creation. Is it possible to create a food product that leads to better living by people? Absolutely.

The first part of this project requires students to become familiar with the current product line. Research the current product line at Pepsi. As a part of research, students will need to identify what Pepsi does well, what Pepsi does not do, and what Pepsi can do better.

It is absolutely critical that students identify opportunities that will lead to one of the following three scenarios:

The ultimate goal of the unit is to help students create the association between restoration in work and a market-based economy. Capitalism and the market-based economy creates the best avenue for Christians to develop sustainable opportunities for people to thrive and flourish. 

Department Standards for this Unit


1. Express their Love of the Lord in the way he has gifted them to create, connect, and capture value.

6. Honor the Lord by engaging the world through restoring relationships with God, relationships with others, relationships with creation and knowledge of self




Paperwork (This explains to me why you made the decisions)

The paperwork portion of the project will be submitted in the form of a portfolio. All the work will be in a 3 ring binder in the order noted below. The pages should have a cover sheet with a picture of the product.

Presentation (This explains to me what you did)

For more information on the presentation, please go to the creating value presentation page.