Overview: Create. Connect. Capture.

Learning Goal: Determine how organizations create, connect & capture value.

Overview of the Terms

1. Value Creation

Value Creation is what we make for customers that creates gain or relieves pain within jobs or tasks they complete. Value can be created in two ways: First, by producing an offering (a good or service) that is worth more to customers than its cost to produce; and second, by preventing the production of an offering that is worth less to the market than its production cost. Clearly, expending more to produce something than its market price destroys value. Value must be created and delivered to customers before any of it becomes available for capture by your company.

2. Value Connection

Value Connection is the way we deliver the product from the company to the consumer. This phrase is a bit of a misnomer because it implies that all you need to do is be willing and able to deliver something to be successful. If we take a more customer-centric view, we will realize that value is less “delivered” by you, and more “accepted” by your customers. The ultimate decision to do the deal always lies with the customer. Customers are willing to accept and use your value because of their awareness of your company (nurtured by your marketing message), their belief that your offering will solve a business problem (reinforced by your sales approach), and their expectation of improved operations (made credible by your customer service practices).

3. Value Capture

Value Capture is how the mission (purpose) is further advanced and money is received for the company. This is the stage at which your organization gets paid. The question is, how much of the total value should you take? Simple math dictates that you would get whatever amount is left after subtracting your costs of value creation and delivery from the offering’s sales price. But it’s never that simple because of other considerations; such as, your competitors’ pricing, the amount of surprise-and-delight you are trying to create for your customers, and your longer-term market strategy—just to name a few.

Industry Case - Men's Razors


  • Create
      • Quality Razors
      • 2 Year Product Updates
      • Started a Shaving Club in 2014
  • Connect
      • Retail Distribution - Target/Costco/Walmart
      • 2 Production Facilities
      • Promotion - Commercials, Athletes & "The Best a Man Can Get"
  • Capture ($20.4 Billion in Revenue)
      • Razor Blade Pricing Strategy
          • Cheap Razor - $12.99
          • Expensive Blades - 8 for $39.99
          • No Mission


    • Create
        • Discount blades
        • Provided in mail for the convenience of the customer
    • Connect
        • E-commerce distribution online
        • Production and design is outsourced to a Seoul-based Dorco
            • This causes them to subject to the suppliers whims. Dorco launched a competitive product SXA 1000, which equals the executive.
        • Promotion - 2012 Viral Video via social media, ran a super bowl ad and numerous print publications.
    • Capture ($140 million in Revenue)
        • $1 - Cheap single blade razor (5 cartridges)
        • $6
        • $9 - Executive - 5 blade razor (4 cartridges)


    • Create
        • Good price for a great product
        • 1 year product updates
        • Provided in mail for convenience
    • Connect
        • E-commerce distribution online
        • Production and design is vertically integrated through their owned production facility Feintechnik, in Germany.
            • Creates one of the only Gothic Arch Cuts that sharpens steel on both sides
        • Promotion - sells the masculine/sophisticated experience
            • email campaign
            • WOM referral
            • Focusing on a quick customer feedback loop that enables better response to the customer
    • Capture ($200 million in Revenue)
        • Truman $15/month
        • Winston $25/month

Lesson Information

Additional Reading


Student Activity

Complete the Create. Connect. Capture. for an industry of your choice. Chart how each aspect has changed with the level of detail that was included on this web page.