1. To Learn: Shot Composition

Shot Composition

Composition refers to the organization of pictorial elements in a frame. Every image should have a single story to tell. The purpose of composition is to direct your viewer's eye to the central point or "story" in your scene. Regardless of the particular subject, composition of the frame is important. You want to present a picture to your audience that is unified, shows the relationship between the elements in the frame, and is aesthetically pleasing. Everything in a frame is important, not just the subject!

Example: Short film-Geri's Game

Believe it or not, much goes into the composition of your shot.

And really the best way to do it is to learn the basics

and then go out there and try it!

Basic shot composition is organized into three different categories.

Every shot needs something from each one, allowing endless creative shots.

I gave a special page to the art of zooming.

Every professional video storyteller knows when and how to use zooming.

You will, too.

Putting it together: Scene Analysis