Introduction & Standards: Brand Communication

Learning Goal: Create and implement a component of the marketing plan that clearly communicates the clients brand and product.

The marketing plan unit helps students develop the ability to communicate the brand and products they are working with. This is the second step of our client based project.

The goal is to learn how to create a seamless campaign that effectively uses print, written pieces, and video. Once students have developed the plan, they will begin implementation of the idea.

Department Standards for this Unit


5. Find Joy in the process of developing the correctives for God’s intended creation.

7. Cultivate their experience through the work Jesus sets before them.


1. [Creating] Create, Connect, and Capture value that leads to restorative organizations.

b. Connect people to embrace an organization’s created value.

2. [Collaborating] Work effectively with individuals and teams.

3. [Communicating] Write and present clear and effective messaging with passion and purpose.

4. [Organizing] Promote clear systems for the delivery of projects that leads to stakeholder satisfaction.

5. [Analyzing and Interpreting] Get to the heart of complex issues through analytical thinking and application.


1. The components of create, connect, and capture.

b. [connect] people to embrace an organizations created value.

3. Impact: Organizations impact the world and people around them through exploitation or restoration. (Nothing is neutral.)

6. Business Plan: Identify the relationship between the elements of a business plan and how they impact people.


Rubric: Brand Communication