Two Column Script

A shooting script contains a very elaborate description of all shots, locations, character, action, sound and technical details of the film. Shooting script serves the following functions.

  • The shooting script is a breakdown of all all camera placements and movements. All shots must have bolded shot descriptions:: ECU- extreme close up/ CU- close up /MCU- medium close up / LS- long shot or FS- full shot/ ELS- extreme long shot/ OTS- over the shoulder / XO- Cross-Shots-/ BEV- Bird’s Eye View (high angle)/ / WEV- Worms Eye View (low angle)
  • Remember to include changes in camera angles and height in your descriptions as well.
  • Every shot you chose should be motivated by the action and emotion in the script. Remember that your audience is looking for clues to understanding the details of your story.
  • Remember WALLDO when visualizing your shots: (Wide, Angles, Linking shots, Low angles, Depth, Opposites)
  • Any special effects or titles should also included in the shot descriptions.
  • The shooting script also divides the film into separate locations. Therefore, all locations can be fixed and the possible shooting problems inherent in these locations can be foreseen.
  • The script can be a guide in determining the exact length of the film by mentally timing out each shot.
  • The script provides a break-down for the actors as to which shots and scenes they will be appearing in, when they will be needed during shooting.
  • The shooting script includes the exact dialogue and sound you will hear at each precise moment of production.