Product Development and the MVP

Learning Goal: Utilize the product development process to build a product or service.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) - The MVP is the fastest way to achieve learning (Build. Measure. Learn.) about the customer with the least effort.

Minimum Viable Product

The minimum viable product is a test of a specific set of hypotheses or assumptions, with a goal of proving or disproving them as quickly as possible. In other words, the minimum viable product is the dough of a doughnut. You can have crazy good frosting but the dough has to be perfect. the dough is the foundation of every good doughnut.

The MVP will answer the following:

  • What will the customer care about? (Customer Gains and Pains)
  • Am I targeting the correct customer? (Customer segment)
  • Is this really the correct solution to the consumer problem? (Customer solution)
  • Can I validate key attributes of the product? (Key business assumption)

Lesson Information




Additional Reading

Student Activity

Develop a prototype for your food, survey user feedback and complete the product development template.

