Marketing 2

Marketing 2 focuses on developing management skills. The student will work to procure the marketing client and continue to work as the account manager between Marketing 1 and the client. The student will provide organization, communication and preparation of the presentation. Determining the scope of work and coordination of the projects will be additional responsibilities. This position is limited to one student per section of marketing.

Prerequisites: Introduction to Business, Marketing, Application and Interview.

Marketing 2 is a semester course and may be taken by students in grades 11-12.

Students completing the course will be prepared and equipped in the following standards: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, & 7

For more information, please refer to Marketing.

Former Manager - Parker Gelber

Marketing II requires you to step outside the boundaries of a school class. As a Marketing II student you will need to work with the clients, teachers, and students; you are the go to assistant for everything. Taking pictures on the weekend, phone calls with the client, and team meetings are all part of the class. Furthermore, be prepared to have conversations with your peers while in a manager position. You must be willing to confront the issues in groups and help students build up their projects. This is for the student that wants to do more than the typical marketing class requires and who wants to truly help in building the clients company.


Doing "Better"

Department Standards


Business and Communications: Heart


Business and Communications: Soft Skills


Business and Communications: Knowing

Course Information

Prerequisites: Introduction to Business, Marketing 1, Application & interview

Classroom Procedures, Policies & Participation


  • The manager will receive a quarterly grade out of 100 points in the following areas:
      1. [Creating] Create, Connect, and Capture value that leads to restorative organizations.
          1. Create sustainable opportunities for people to thrive and flourish.
          2. Connecting people to embrace an organizations created value.
          3. The money made and the impact achieved through the organization’s mission.
      2. [Collaborating] Work effectively with individuals and teams.
      3. [Communicating] Communicate with the intended audience(s) impacted by their organization.
      4. [Organizing] Promote clear systems for the delivery of projects that leads to stakeholder satisfaction.
      5. [Analyzing and Interpreting] Get to the heart of complex issues through analytical thinking and application.
      6. [Leading] Take control and initiates action by giving direction and responsibility.
      7. [Adapting] Adapt and respond to change positively and cope with setbacks.
      8. [Performing] Achieve personal goals and approach tasks with a growth mindset.
Job Description & Application