Introduction & Standards: Branding

Learning Goal: Create a brand that reflects the clients desires for their company.

The branding unit helps students develop the ability to develop and communicate the vision, mission, and values of a company or organization.

Students will be working for a real organization, developing their vision, mission, and values. This will be determined from the client interview and follow-up conversations. Once the guiding statements have been determined, students will create a comprehensive brand book to clearly communicate the core branding elements.

Ultimately, students will be developing the ability to create a clear brand that communicates the vision of the organization to their audience.

Department Standards for this Unit


1. Love the Lord in the way he has gifted them to create, connect, and capture value.

3. Understand the World by pushing back on consumerism while redefining the mission of life and purpose of money.

4. Value Learning, by engaging in real work that meets a real need for a real audience.

5. Find Joy in the process of developing the correctives for God’s intended creation.

7. Cultivate their experience through the work Jesus sets before them.


1. [Creating] Create, Connect, and Capture value that leads to restorative organizations.

b. Connect people to embrace an organization’s created value.

2. [Collaborating] Work effectively with individuals and teams.

3. [Communicating] Write and present clear and effective messaging with passion and purpose.

5. [Analyzing and Interpreting] Get to the heart of complex issues through analytical thinking and application.

7. [Adapting] Adapt and respond to change positively and cope with setbacks.

8. [Performing] Achieve personal goals and approach tasks with a growth mindset.


1. The components of create, connect, and capture.

b. [connect] people to embrace an organizations created value.

3. Impact: Organizations impact the world and people around them through exploitation or restoration. (Nothing is neutral.)

4. Image Bearer: The purpose of an image bearer in work is to create, care, and commission.


Brand Rubric - Teacher