Social Media Strategy

Learning Goal: Determine how to best use each social media platform.

Using Social Media requires more than understanding the syntax of social media platforms. There are a three things you must decide:

  1. Choose the right platforms
      • Who are your customers?
      • Where can they be found?
      • Why are they on the platform?
      • What do they expect on the platform?
  2. Set Goals for Social Media
      • Increase referral traffic to website
      • Drive lead generation or e-commerce purchases
      • Increase company credibility
      • Demonstrate a corporate identity and culture that makes people more likely to want to work with as consumers or employees
      • Increase the quantity of feedback that they receive from customers and leads.
      • Offer an additional avenue for customer service interactions.
      • Communicate critical company information
  3. Determine an approach to content (Hootsuite anyone?)
      • Determine how frequently you will post.
      • How you will quantify the results of your postings?
      • How you will attain maximum reach with your strategy?
      • Develop a calendar to track content delivery.

Lesson Information



Additional Reading

Student Activity

    • Answer the questions below, for each of the following Social Media Platforms:
        • Facebook
        • Twitter
        • Instagram
        • Pinterest
        • Linked In
        • Snapchat
    • What are the primary demographics for users?
    • When do users get on the platform?
    • For what purpose?
    • What media is most successful on the platform?
    • What are the keys to a successful marketing campaign on the platform?


    • Use the graph above sources.

Pew Research Center - Social Media Review

PewResearchCenter-Social Media.pdf