Efficiency ratios | HL

Keep a Personal Checklist:

a) debtor days;  b) creditor days. 

Efficiency Ratios show how well a firm’s resources have  been used, such as the amount of time taken by the firm to sell its stock (inventory) or the average number of  days taken to collect money from its debtors

Stock  (inventory) Turnover Ratio

Stock turnover ratios measures the number of times a firm sells its stocks within a time period, usually one year.

This ratio is particularly common in the retail industry and it looks at how successful a firm is at unitizing their inventory assets.

3.6 Efficiency ratios Stock Turnover

Who do you think has a higher stock turnover ratio?

Debtor  (trade receivables) & Creditor (trade payables) Days Ratio

The debtor days ratio measures the number of days it takes a firm, on average, to collect money from its debtors. 

Debtors are the customers who have purchased items on trade credit  and therefore owe money to the firm.

The creditor days ratio measures the number of days it takes, on average, for a business to pay its trade creditors.

3.6 Efficiency ratios - Debtor & Creditor Days

Sageworks Stats shows 10 industries with the highest average debtor days and are typically waiting the longest to be paid. Read more & Read more

Gearing Ratio

The gearing ratio is used to assess a firm's long-term liquidity position. 

This is done by examining the firm's capital employed that is financed by long-term debt, such as mortgages and debentures 

3.6 Efficiency ratios Gearing
3.6 Finance Gym