Student Leadership @ SIS

At South Island School, student leadership is a vibrant, ever-developing part of student life. Since there are so many opportunities for students and teachers to get involved with, this website was created by SICA (the South Island Council Association) as a one-stop shop for information about upcoming opportunities, council information, and sign up forms.

Check the Opportunity Board below to see any new and upcoming opportunities related to student leadership.

Or, look at the tabs above for pages related to the specific aspects of our multifaceted leadership structure.

Our student leaders are a core part of the successes of South Island School. Their drive, ambition, creativity and intelligence are truly remarkable. The breadth of student leadership opportunities and the diverse range of initiatives led by our students never ceases to amaze me. It is a great privilege to work alongside passionate and dedicated students who do so much for our school community.

As with all successful ventures, it is worth us reflecting on how we can do even better! SICA (South Island Councils Association) was set up in 2021 to create a more coherent student leadership structure at South Island and to provide easily accessible information about what is going on. We want to celebrate student leadership at SIS and ensure our community is well informed about all the amazing student led initiatives. This website is the beginning of this and I am sure that it will grow organically to become a living testament to the great work that our students are doing. The website has been designed to house all information connected to Student Leadership at SIS. You can read about the different Councils as well as the different student leadership groups and how you can get involved. We hope that you engage with the website and contribute to it in your own way.

A big congratulations to everyone involved in creating this project.

Ms. Lucie Purves

Vice Principal, South Island School