MaD Council

The MaD council aims to develop an awareness and compassionate mindset in the student body as well as the wider school community. We organise and coordinate a range of events, such as yearly house MaD weeks and our CAS promotion event: Making links. Moreover, Making a Difference at south island school traverses local boundaries, and extends into the global community. Each year, we host whole school dress casuals and fundraisers to raise money for the ICM family academy in Bacolod, Philippines. 

Heads of MaD:

Darren Cho: 

Stella Min: 

Head of ICM:

Emily Kwon: 

What we do:

Organise the Making Links event

Approve GP/CAS initiatives

Help coordinate house MaD weeks

Host ICM fundraiser events

Host whole school dress casual


Weekly meetings held during Tuesday lunchtimes 

Social Media:

Instagram: @sismadcouncil

How to join:

Sign ups for regular council members are at the start of the academic year. To apply, applicants need to fill out a formal application and get interviewed by council heads.