International Evening

What is International Evening?

International Evening is an annual student-led charity event held to celebrate the melting pot of cultural diversity in our community. Our beneficiary is the Arts With the Disabled Association Hong Kong (ADAHK).  

The head team this year (2023-2024) is:
Head of Communications and Logistics - Sophie Chan (
Head of Communications and Logistics - Poppy Byrom (
Head of Performances - Winnie Ng (
Head of Publicity - Nicole Tsoi (
Head of Finance - Ancita Ma (

We will be working closely with ADAHK, SIS students, members of staff, and the PTA to organise fundraising events in school, including the annual Dress Cultural Day, and liaising with possible external sponsors or caterers. This will all culminate on the night of International Evening, which is set to begin with an international food fair followed by an array of cultural performances by SIS students and ADAHK artists.

If you would like to help out by applying to be a volunteer or helper, please keep your eyes peeled for an application form to be sent out later this term!