Biodiversity Council

The Biodiversity Council’s aim is to raise awareness on the importance of biodiversity - flora and fauna - and conserving endangered species around our school community and in Hong Kong.


    • Annice Hui

    • Anusha Oak

    • Nicole Ng

    • Christina Jiang

Teacher in charge:

    • Mr. Swart


  • Focus on raising awareness on endangered species in our school community and beyond

  • Hosting Biodiversity Week

  • Working on the School Campus Species Database

  • Hosting City Nature Challenge

  • Hosting the Annual Tree Planting Day

How to join (Y7s-Y13s):

We will be starting recruitment at the start of the year, details of the application process are to be confirmed, so keep an eye out for new information on our Instagram (listed below)! In the meantime, feel free to email anyone in our head team to see how you can get involved :)


To be confirmed

Social media:

Instagram: @sisbiodiversitycouncil

Sign up form:

Biodiversity Council Member Application Form