Diwali Night

Diwali Night

Diwali Night is an annual student-led event with the purpose of spreading awareness about and celebrating the beauty of Indian culture. Diwali Night at South Island School is a vibrant celebration that brings together the entire school community in a dazzling display of lights, colours, and cultural festivities. We hope to promote diversity, inclusion, and cohesion as a school community by expressing the importance of family and “togetherness”. The event encapsulates the spirit of unity, diversity, and joy, fostering cultural appreciation and creating lasting memories for everyone involved!

Diwali Night 2023 Head Team

Head of Event

Kriti Tutika

Head of Performances

Harshita Gupta

Head of Logistics

Shriyans Gadnis

Head of Communications & Publicity

Swati Sharma

Head of Finance & Catering

Utkarsh Goyal

Browse through Diwali Night 2023!!!

Find updates about the event on the Diwali Night Instagram Page!
