Bauhinia Prefects

Bauhinia Head Prefect Objectives & Initiatives:
1. Support Year 7 students in making their transition to SIS a smooth and enjoyable experience.- In May, the Bauhinia Prefects conduct an induction day to introduce the Year 6 students to SIS, its facilities, teachers and values.- In August, the Bauhinia Prefects organise an orientation day to familiarise the Year 7 students with their tutors and tutor group, register their octopus cards, collect textbooks, receive their schedules and much more.
2. Be role models and friendly guides for the younger members of the SIS community.- The Bauhinia Head Prefects manage the ‘Space Prefect Initiative’ as well as the 'Year 9 Prefects'; initiatives which train younger students to handle responsibility and important duties from a young age.
3. Create a positive learning and social environment for the younger students to flourish in.- Constantly adding new activities and equipment to the Space (during break and lunchtimes) creates a diverse and engaging environment for Year 7-9’s to have fun and elevates the student experience.
4. Establish a sense of community within Family Bauhinia & bridge the gap between the upper and lower school.- the Bauhinia Prefects spend break and lunchtimes with the Year 7-9 students; playing games, chatting and ensuring they have fun at school.   

Maddy & Sam (Bauhinia Head Prefects 2021-22)

New Students Pizza Party (Bauhinia Head Prefects 2023-2024)

Year 6 Induction Day - Learning about SIS! 

Year 7 Laptop Induction!

2023-2024 Bauhinia Prefect Team On Duty!