The Namas Leadership Team consists of 12 Year 12s, who aim to work collaboratively and embrace the Tiger spirit of bravery, confidence, teamwork, and enthusiasm amongst our lovely ~270 Namasites! The incredible passion within Namas has earned our house the overall place of 1st or 2nd in the last 5 consecutive years! Recognising the diverse range of talent, skill, athleticism, as well as drive for leadership among the lovely students in Namas, the NLT serves to carry out initiatives that embrace these wonderful qualities! A few of these are outlined below, along with members of our current team.

Namas Leadership Team 2021-2022

Head of House:
Mrs Nat Webster (

House Captains:

Aashika Mamgain (

Kiki Ko (

Bauhinia Captains:
Alexander Stertzenbach (
Minji Kim (

House Council:

Conrad Ip (

Lorraine Wong (

MaD Council:
Kristy Poon (
Seoyun Lee (

Publicity and Digital Leadership Council:
Curtis The (
Shivansh Anand (

Colette Wong (

Vertical Tutoring:
Adrien Ma (

House Initiatives

Instagram Takeovers → A department pair is given access to the IG account for a week to give you insight about what their role in the NLT entails! - Open to engagement on the IG stories!

Instagram Namas Spotlight → A series of occasional posts where we highlight the incredible talents and achievements of our Namasites! Feel free to send in any of you or your fellow Namasites’ achievements :)

Publicity Team → A team of students (open to all years in Namas) that assist our Publicity Heads (Curtis and Shivansh) in publicity work, such as instagram post templates, photography at interhouse, etc.

Fun Time Friday (FTF) → A light & easy initiative in which the NLT emails the Namas tutors before a Friday with a description of a fun activity to do during Friday long tutor time. Including origami, mafia, skribblio, and more, these activities are meant to provide an option for tutors to connect and have a bit of fun at the end of a busy week. Feel free to give us any suggestions for a fun game or activity!

Monday Morning Vertical Tutoring → Organised by our VT Head (Adrien, along with our SusCo rep Colette), the Monday Morning VT program allows Y10 students in Namas to take the responsibility of preparing VT activities in the 10 minute tutor time for the Y7-9 tutor groups.

Year 10-11 Shadowing → A chance for Y10-11 students in Namas to shadow the different departments in the NLT through a weekly rotation for hands-on involvement, and so they can grasp a better idea of what role may suit them when it’s their time to be part of the NLT in Year 12.

Deputy House Captain Program → Deputy House Captain is a role in which four Y10-11s from Namas are chosen to be new additions to the NLT, through an application process that usually takes place around mid-Term 2. The DHCs will have a chance to interact as a part of the NLT more closely, whilst being able to propose initiatives of their own.

House Council Initiatives

For our initiative, we aim to improve the transparency and the delivery of classes, allowing students to comment on resources used in class that were effective. This feedback will be given back to the teachers, and hopefully this feedback can assist teachers when planning out classes for their students especially during the online learning period

Namas MaD Week

Namas MaD Week was held on the 6th to the 10th of December 2021. We supported Mind Hong Kong, a charity that aims to improve awareness and understanding of mental health in Hong Kong. We hosted two activities: the Dalgona Candy Challenge and the Amazing Race.

House Assemblies

namas house assembly
Namas House Assembly