Bauhinia MaD Council

Family Bauhinia is proud to have its very own MaD council, where Year 7-9 students have the opportunity to serve the community around them in a wide variety of ways. For example, over the past 14 years, the Bauhinia MaD Council at SIS has successfully led the annual 'Box of Hope' drive. Box of Hope is an organisation that collects boxes with everyday items inside for children in need throughout Asia. Thanks to the leadership and organisation of Bauhinia MaD Council members, SIS has raised over 270 boxes in total that have been shipped to less fortunate children all around Asia, in places such as Vietnam, Cambodia and the Philippines. Aside from Box of Hope, there are many other service projects that year 7-9 students can get involved in, such as raising funds and awareness for Orbis, the flying eye hospital, and more. Ultimately, we hope to provide students with a more enriching school experience by encouraging them to extend their kindness beyond school grounds and provide opportunities to serve and care for the wider community.