Unit 9:  Modeling with Functions

Lesson Video

Focus Standards

Learning Focus

Additional Resources

Lesson 1:  Function Family Reunion

A Solidify Understanding Task

Provides a review of familiar     functions – their equations, graphs,  and transformations. Solidifies previous observations about transformations, connects geometric transformations to function transformations, and confirms that transformations are consistent across all types of functions. 

Explain function transformations across all function types.

Lesson 2You Are the Imagineer

A Develop Understanding Task

Surfaces ideas about the effects of combining standard functions using arithmetic operations by creating graphs of function combinations. 

Predict and examine the graphical effects of adding or multiplying functions from two different function families.

Lesson 3 The Bungee Jump Simulator

A Solidify Understanding Task

Solidifies thinking about combining functions through addition and multiplication by determining exact equations that would produce a given graph. 

Write equations that would produce given graphs created by adding or multiplying two functions together.

Lesson 4Composing and Decomposing 

A Develop Understanding Task

Introduces composition as another way to combine functions and provides opportunity to compose functions together to model complex behavior. 




Math 3 Unpacking Document

Examine function composition in the context of a real-world scenario.

Lesson 5Translating My Composition

A Solidify Understanding Task

Extends understanding of function composition by composing and decomposing a particular set of functions. Surfaces the idea that function composition is not commutative and that functions created by composition can be interpreted as transformations of parent functions. 




Math 3 Unpacking Document

Write and evaluate composite functions.

Lesson 6Different Combinations

A Practice Understanding Task

Provides practice of strategies for combining functions by addition, multiplication, and composition. Extends understanding of combining functions to graphs, tables, numbers, and equations. 




Math 3 Unpacking Document

Combine functions defined by graphs or tables.