Unit 10:  Statistics


Focus Standards

Learning Focus

Additional Resources

Lesson 1:   What is Normal?

A Develop Understanding Task

Introduces normal distribution and builds understanding of its key features. Introduces the 68-95-99.7% rule. 

Understand features of a normal distribution.

Identify the effect of changing the mean or standard deviation in a normal distribution.

Lesson 2:   Just Act Normal

A Solidify Understanding Task

Solidifies understanding of normal distribution and of the 68-95-99.7% rule by using them to make decisions in a real-world context. 

Interpret standardized test scores that are distributed normally.

Lesson 3:  Y B Normal?

A Solidify Understanding Task

Builds on understanding of normal distributions to understand the standard normal distribution. Introduces the z -score formula and z -scores as a means of comparison. 

Understand a scale used to compare normal distributions.

Sketch distribution curves and use tables to find population percentages.

Lesson 4:  Wow, That's Weird!

A Practice Understanding Task

Provides practice with comparing normal distributions, sometimes using   z -scores. Deepens understanding of mean and standard deviation. 

Compare normal distributions.

A Develop Understanding Task

Defines population, sample, and parameter of interest. Develops understanding of different methods of sampling using a sorting activity to identify differences between the methods. 

Understand methods for taking samples from a population.

Lesson 6:  Let's Investigate

A Solidify Understanding Task

Identifies surveys, observational studies, and experiments as methods for measuring the parameter of interest. Deepens understanding of these methods by comparing their strengths and weaknesses. 

Describe the difference between a survey, an experiment, and an observational study.

Design an investigation for a parameter of interest using appropriate study and sampling methods.

Lesson 7:  Ancient Treasures

A Solidify Understanding Task

Introduces students to the difference between population parameters and sample statistics. Develops ideas of the Central Limit Theorem for population means and proportions by taking random samples of varying sizes and observing the effect on the distribution. 

Use random sampling methods and find means and proportions for random samples.

Lesson 8:  Sim City

A Solidify Understanding Task

Uses simulation to develop the concepts of margin of error and plausible interval for sample proportions. 

Find an interval that is likely to contain the population proportion from a sample.

Lesson 9:  Meaningful Possibilities

A Solidify Understanding Task

Uses simulation and understanding of normal distribution to find margin of error and plausible interval for sample means. 



Math 3 Unpacking Document

Use simulation to find a plausible interval for the mean of a population from a sample.

How does finding an interval for a population mean compare to finding an interval for a population proportion?

Lesson 10:  Music to My Ears

A Practice Understanding Task

Uses simulation to evaluate the results of an experiment to see if the results could be achieved by chance. 

Determine if the results of an experiment could have occurred by chance.

Lesson 11:  So, You Say There's a Chance?

A Practice Understanding Task

Evaluates statistical claims from surveys and news reports using understanding of probability, simulation, margin of error and plausible intervals. 

Use statistical reasoning to evaluate claims in the media.