Stained Integrity Characters

{ Characters are sorted in (current) order of appearance!* }

*Main characters are listed at the top for ease of access.

Princess Koeia's lady-in-waiting

Metalsmith apprentice; grew up with Clover like siblings

Laurence Armand

Lordling from Zeelex, visiting Elmal for the invitational festivities

High prince of Elmal; son of late Queen Pleiona; Princess Koeia's brother

Stell's Spear

Jesse Wright

Prison Escapee, Wanted Dead or Alive

Pirate Captain, Wanted Alive

Knight in the Elmalian King's Guard

Knight in the Elmalian King's Guard

Garrett Yates

LeRoy's father; town's metalsmith

Princess Koeia Leiade

Elmalian princess; daughter of late Queen Pleiona; Prince Mirak's sister

Knight in the Elmalian King's Guard

Ser Hunter Underwood

Prince Mirak's gentleman-in-waiting

Prince Mirak's personal guard/retainer

Lady Harmony Dove

Clover's mom; queen's lady-in-waiting

Mister Samir Dove

Clover's father; Harmony's husband


A mysterious stranger...

Master Luetta

Practitioner of Ange Temple

King Wurren Leiade

King of Elmal; father of Prince Mirak and Princess Koeia

Queen Kelaeno Leiade

Queen of Elmal; stepmother of Prince Mirak and Princess Koeia

Lael Bosworth

Admiral of Elmalian Royal Armada

Midshipman in the Elmalian Royal Armada; family friends with the Yates

Bounty hunter searching for the men that killed his lover and his parents

Elijah Clegg

Master-at-arms in Phred's crew

Phred Kalyio’nymu

Pirate Captain

Lloyd Dhan’theea

Phred's Quartermaster

Carlo Drighton

Carpenter in Phred's crew

Warwick Vane

Boatswain in Phred's crew

Dr. Jamidé Cael Stern

Physician in Phred's crew

Lumo Stern

Doctor Stern's son

Karo Stern

Doctor Stern's daughter

Oma Morris-Stern

The fiddler aboard Phred's ship and Doctor Stern's wife

Morgrim Grenkelly

Eldest son of Marchioness Fiona Grenkelly of Gendley

Practitioner that hails from Jaraue, and is also a Master Alchemist

Ser Estrild Vidui

High-ranking guard from Morunto; he's been chasing after Magpie for years


A famous land bandit that is being hunted down by bounty hunters and guards alike

Orlando O'bert

Lune's Blade, former member of the Official Armada of Zeelex

Amadina Whydah

High-ranking guard from Ardal; she has been hunting down Magpie for years