October 2018

(Space Witches Doodles)

(doodled October 31, 2018. Expo marker.)

My friend showed me a jack-o-lantern with the funniest face I've ever seen so I attempted to recreate the face while doodling on the whiteboard in club today. Have a grinning Leporis.

(Kathestós Order Series/New Magician Series)

(sketched October 1, 2018. Pencil and pen.)

A sketch of characters that don't know how to sit in chairs.

(Kathestós Order Series)

(sketched October 29, 2018. Pencil.)

A sketch of three characters that are in my comic project, the Kathestós Order. Makinoi is so done with Epilais and Choloepi's drunk shenanigans.

(Kathestós Order Series)

(sketched October 29, 2018. Pencil.)

A sketch of what might just be the cover for Chapter 1 in my comic project, the Kathestós Order. Only Fluorspar will tolerate that look from Knem.

(New Magicians Series)

(drawn October 29, 2018. Pencil and pen.)

Decided on whim to draw Lyden since I haven't drawn him since I officially decided on his design in the summer. I have the comparison over on my redraws page!

(Kathestós Order Series)

(sketched October 29, 2018. Sketched in pencil and then drawn digitally.)

A sketch of what I think will be the cover for my comic project, the Kathestós Order.

(drawn October 22/26, 2018. Pencil and pen/marker.)

It's been a while since I've drawn anything Splatoon-related, so I kind of got back into it for a bit! Click to see all of the doodles!

(Kathestós Order Series)

(doodled October 23, 2018. Pencil.)

A doodle of Knem in a scarf per request of a friend in class today.

(drawn October 15, 2018. Pencil [and some colored pencil].)

Some old methods coming back to me! I scribble lightly with a pencil and then pick out lines to trace over darker and create a drawing! It's really fun and it makes me have to use my brain. There is no planning! (A lot of them end up being mermaids because feet shapes don't usually get drawn through the scribbles.) Click to see all of them from this set! This is also something relevant to my 2018-2019 Portfolio.

(New Magicians Series)

(doodled October 15, 2018. Pencil.)

Character development is when a character stops wearing sweats to school. Math class doodle of Trevelle.

(Kathestós Order Series)

(doodled October 10, 2018. Pencil.)

Doodle of Pachir in my literature notes. A character in my comic project, the Kathestós Order.

(Kathestós Order Series)

(doodled October 10, 2018. Pencil.)

Doodled Knem in my U.S. Government notes. He's a character in my comic project, the Kathestós Order.

It's Difficult to Describe What's on my Mind...

(finished October 10, 2018. Pencil, ballpoint pen [metallic], ink pens, colored pencil, white-out [not to correct mistakes but to add different whites], oil-based white pens, and gray Sharpie marker. 18"x 24".)

A cropped picture of the second piece in my 2018-2019 Sustained Investigation Portfolio! This piece is meant to show that my thought process isn't exactly typical, and allow people to think about just how differently we all think.

(Space Witches Doodles)

(doodled October 5, 2018. Pencil.)

Just another small doodle of Gienah in my astronomy notebook! I'm busy working on my project piece so I'm not doing a lot of other drawing outside of that project, other than doodles in class.


(started October 3, 2018. Pencil and pen, so far.)

A WIP for a big project! It's my second piece for my 2018-2019 Sustained Investigation Portfolio! The full piece will be uploaded along with the rest of the portfolio when I complete it! Also, for size idea's sake, this isn't even half of the paper. I'm going big with pieces this year.

So I Have Adobe Illustrate on a School Computer

(doodled October 2, 2018. Digital.)

So I found out that on the school computers, I can use Adobe Illustrator and I tried to draw something with the mouse since there are no tablets. It went better than I was expecting.

(Space Witches Doodles)

(doodled October 2, 2018. Pencil.)

Space witches? In MY astronomy notebook? It's more likely than you think! I doodled Gienah, a character in a collaboration project I'm doing with a friend!

(New Magicians Series)

(doodled October 1, 2018. Pencil.)

I was going to start Inktober but then I impulsively doodled Avery in his jersey for absolutely no reason. This is fine.