August 2019

(Fated Sketches)


A sketch for a comic I'm working on.

Zoota Doodles


I stopped by the table for Animation Crew down by the Union today and attempted to draw something with a Sharpie Marker.

Zoota Doodles


My friend let me draw on her whiteboard.

(New Magicians Series)


I love drawing very very irrelevant characters.



This is a teaser for what the theme of this year's portfolio is going to be!

Zoota Doodles


My... first attempt at drawing something on my new laptop.

My old laptop served me well, at least ten years. My parents have been kind enough to gift me this wonderful new laptop that I can draw right on the screen!

It doesn't have a CD port like my old laptop, though.

(Fated Sketches)


Some sketches for a comic I've been working on.

Fated Shenanigans


I think this is going to be the cover for a new comic I'm working on?