What the WIP? (Portfolio)

What is What the WIP?

What the WIP? is an experimental art portfolio that I planned out over the course of 2019-2020 and now it's finally going to be taking shape here in 2022-ish!

It's all about what makes a "finished" piece of art v.s. a WIP!

Obviously this is going to be a development that is going to take some time, so check back here every now and then to see what's new!

You can also subscribe to notifications once I get a page set up!

This portfolio is meant to be wild, colorful (at times), and push the way I see art as an artist and the way an audience might perceive art! This is a lot different than my past portfolios, but I am approaching it in a similar way as I did my Thought Process Portfolio! In fact, that's what inspired me to tackle this project!

{ Welcome to a World of WIPs }

This is where I will record processes as well as the ideas behind each piece!

(It will have similar organization to the Thought Process Portfolio.)

Final Works Will Be Here!

Keep in mind that this may not look like a typical "finished" portfolio, because that's the entire point of this portfolio.

This will eventually have an experimentation segment where I need volunteers! More information will come as I get closer to that part of this portfolio, so stay tuned!